Software Defined Talk

A podcast about Enterprise Software and Cloud Computing that doesn't take itself too seriously.

About the show

Get ready for a weekly dose of all things Enterprise Software and Cloud Computing! Join us as we dive into topics including Kubernetes, DevOps, Serverless, Security and Coding. Plus, we’ll keep you entertained with plenty of off-topic banter and nonsense. Don’t worry if you miss the latest industry conference - we’ve got you covered with recaps of all the latest news from AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

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  • Episode 62: Peak Ping Pong

    May 6th, 2016  |  53 mins 28 secs

    This week, we discuss DevOpsDays Austin, Pivotal's funding round, and some follow-up for the OpenStack Summit: turns our Gartner doesn't hate them. Also, with the new ping-model out, we discuss the potential for peak ping pong.

  • Episode 61: Baltimore is not the same as Annapolis. Also, they like crab there

    April 29th, 2016  |  48 mins 16 secs

    OpenStack is crawling its way into the plateau of productivity, we submit, during this week of the OpenStack Summit. We also discuss the recent Docker survey findings, and some overly precise number on private vs. public cloud adoption. Coté also manages to insult the entire Eastern seaboard, esp. Annapolis.