Software Defined Talk
A podcast about Enterprise Software and Cloud Computing that doesn't take itself too seriously.
We found 10 episodes of Software Defined Talk with the tag “interview”.
Episode 404: Sargun Kaur on Technical Interviews
March 7th, 2023 | 47 mins 56 secs
Brandon interviews Sargun Kaur, Co-Founder and CEO of Byteboard. They discuss the challenges and frustrations with technical interviews and how Byteboard has redesigned the coding test. Plus, Sargun offers tips for job seekers and shares her experience going from software engineer to startup CE
Episode 399: Two Guys Live in the Southern Hemisphere, with Craig Box
February 3rd, 2023 | 54 mins 24 secs
interview, notkubepod
This week Matt Ray is joined by Craig Box and they discuss living down under, Craig’s media empire future, and managing CNCF Sandbox projects developer relations. We also discuss the British Monarchy...
Episode 393: 10 Years of Project Sputnik, with Barton George
December 23rd, 2022 | 1 hr 9 mins
Ten years ago Dell launched the developer laptop, shipping a Linux desktop of their best gear. In this episode, Coté talks with Barton George who's lead the project about Project Sputnik, lessons learned about innovating in large companies, and compressed air can sponsorships.
Episode 391: Anton Grishko on managing Cloud Costs with FinOps
December 13th, 2022 | 50 mins 27 secs
Brandon is joined by Anton Grishko, Chief Architect at ProfiSea Labs and they discuss DevOps adoption and the rise of FinOps. Plus, Anton offers practical tips on implementing FinOps and reducing your cloud spend.
Episode 388: The Death of DevOps, with Andrew Clay Shafer
November 25th, 2022 | 1 hr 1 min
In case you haven't heard, DevOps is dead. Again. To discuss its demise, Coté talks with Andrew Clay Shafer. They talk about a lot more: Andrew's new company, working with executives, sociotechnical systems, Andrew's recent SREcon talk in Amsterdam, and more.
Episode 358: Philip Griffiths on Zero Trust Networking and OpenZiti
May 17th, 2022 | 46 mins 6 secs
Brandon interviews Philip Griffiths, the VP of Global Business Development at NetFoundry. They discuss how OpenZiti enables zero trust networking and how to build certificate-based security into your applications. Plus, some thoughts on creating an open source mascot.
Episode 346: Ev Kontsevoy with an opinionated approach to secure access
March 1st, 2022 | 50 mins 33 secs
Brandon interviews Ev Kontsevoy the CEO and Cofounder of Teleport. They discuss Ev’s early career, his experience at Mailgun and Teleport’s opinionated approach to providing secure access
Episode 336: Michael Wilde on Observability
December 22nd, 2021 | 1 hr 4 mins
This week Brandon interviews Michael Wilde. They discuss Wilde's career progression from Sales Engineer to Account Executive and Honeycomb's approach to Observability. Plus, some thoughts on yoga...
Episode 334: Jordan Tigani on data intensive applications
December 14th, 2021 | 52 mins 58 secs
Brandon interviews Jordan Tigani, Chief Product Officer at SingleStore. They discuss Jordan's experience at Google building BigQuery and how to use SingleStore to build data intensive applications. Plus, some good stories about caviar and marathon running.
Episode 327: Jack Naglieri on security at scale
November 2nd, 2021 | 52 mins 13 secs
Brandon interviews Jack Naglieri, Founder & CEO at Panther Labs. They discuss the challenges of security at scale and the current state of security tools. Plus, we learn how Jack transitioned from Security Analyst to Security Engineer and now CEO.